Wednesday, February 27, 2008

to speak of

No songs yet. But that's not what this is all about. Well, I mean, it is but it's all supposed to be an inspiration to achieve and achieve. Not merely aurally and melodically. I'm writing a story about a young man who loses his wife to death, a very sad way to go. I feel that completing this piece of short fiction will be a crowning achievement for myself. I have "finished" stories before. But upon a recent revisit to these I realized I was quite careless with my satisfaction with my work. Quite careless. I wish not the same fate for any songs I might compose. Oh, compose! I probably didn't mean to use that word. My stuff is more castles in the air and composure for my scoliotic posturing.

Here's an off-the-cuff poem:

and the ropes

always understated the ropes
hold the trapeze artist
hold the man with the muscles dragging the bus
and the lady to the tracks
always understated and always under pressure

such tension
in the twines and strands
who am i to think i am so threadbare

letting the boat from its mooring is the most polite thing to do

brandon pierce geary

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a minima

The pressure's off. I cannot tell you how achingly I have wanted to be a musician. I have written about three songs in toto. I have assisted in writing songs. I have collaborated in a song writing experience. And I have bystanded while others write songs. Some friends of mine started a 'label' of mostly 'solo' music released on only cassette tapes. I thought 'Gee, my time has come. A goal to acheive to exhilarate the old song writing machine. I'm in!' I have had a rare communion with cassette tapes of late as the cd player in my car is no longer playing discs. So with that I have started playing Melissa's guitar and singing along to the fumbling. Good Grief. I left my guitar in Ohio because we couldn't fit it in my car when I cut and run from most everything I knew but loved less than being with Melissa.

I want to be good. Everyone wants to be good. I want to do it right.

this is comforting

grace and peace
brandon pierce geary